MindTheGap Nigeria

Digital Onboarders CDS

Digital Onboarders CDS

…improving Corps Productivity through Digital Skills.

It is an established fact that “75% of Job Seekers that will get a job, will get a job with Micro Small and Medium Enterprises – MSME”. The MSME’s however, have been experiencing a downward decline in their survival rate, due to the lack of relevant skills to pivot into the emerging opportunities that the unfolding Digital Economy presents. There is therefore an urgent need to mobilize the unique qualities of the Nigerian Youth, most especially, the Corps Members, to save our struggling Small Businesses.

All the interested Corps Members are expected to Get Certified on Google Digital Garage after the Saturday events and do a 1 minute video on why they want to join the CDS. Successful participants will be given a letter by the Schedule Officer.

Each member will put their places of Primary Assignments (if not) and 10 other MSME in their host community on Google My Business and assist them to develop a Digital strategy and support them to use the GMB and other Digital Marketing ttools to grow their businesses ensuring at least 5 of them are listed on www.youthbizng.com and use Google Ads. optimize

All members will work with the Schedule Officer, and MindtheGap Mentor/ Community Manager to mobilize and assist smart Corps Members amongst the new batch at the Orientation camp to join the CDS

Each member will be exposed to opportunities in Digital Economy and coached to identify a career path and mentored to acquire necessary Digital Skills that will help them succeed in their chosen career.

In addition, each of them will adopt a Secondary School where they will train and mentor 10 students about the benefits of the Web (Internet) and how to stay SAFE online and use the internet as a RESPONSIBLE Digital Citizen.

Finally, each CDS will identify a problem in the community (like Benue: farming produce wastage) and see how they can use Digital technology to develop a solution (like www.farmtotable.ng) to compete in an annual Hackathon.

Committed members who have executed the above Training and Projects are handheld and prepared for life after service year. They are connected to job opportunities and Business Mentoring.

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DSN FREE AI Classes in Every City Students Registration

Begin your journey into the world of artificial intelligence and data science through the ongoing program from Data Science Nigeria. You can choose any of the following learning tracks:

  1. Machine learning with Microsoft Azure and Responsible AI
  2. Microsoft Power BI
  3. Microsoft Power Apps
  4. GitHub Codespaces and Copilot

Get Started using https://bit.ly/DSN-MTG

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